With the introduction of the iPhone 14 Pro comes “always on” mode. I wanted to have this switched on during the day, but not at night. Shortcuts Automations to the rescue!
Category: How-To
When an instance of an OmniFocus repeating task has a tag, and that instance is completed, the next instance of the task will also have the tag. Depending on the tag in question, this may not be the desired outcome. In this post, I consider some Omni Automation approaches to help us get the results we want.
I recently had a request to share some more details about an automation I have used to attach the record of paying a invoice to the original invoice. The workflow looks like this: The original invoice has already, when received,…
Across Australia, businesses are now required to enable electronic ‘check-in’ for COVID contact tracing and, for the most part, this means part of our “new normal” is scanning QR codes everywhere we go. However, these ultimately just contain a URL…
These instructions will enable you to add an Omni Automation plug-in to OmniFocus, and optionally assign a keyboard shortcut on iOS/iPadOS