April-June 2022 Plug-In Update Round-Up

I finally had a little more time over the last month to dig into some Omni Automation development, with some substantial work on the Move to Action Group and Agendas plug-ins underway. There is more to come on these!

Move to Action Group (v3.5.0)

  • Added preference:
    • You can now select the tag to be used to denote action groups
    • You can now automatically include all top-level action groups, or all action groups, regardless of level
    • You can now choose whether or not you wish to be prompted to assign a tag to untagged tasks
    • You can now choose whether or not you wish to be prompted for the project before the action group. If not, all action groups that meet the criteria you have set will be selected.
  • Improved options when selection the position of the task being moved:
    • Added the option to “append as note” rather than adding as a
    • Select “beginning” by default
    • Add an option to add under a newly-created action group
  • A ‘filtering’ option has now been added to the action group form, for easier selection
  • Projects, as well as tasks, can now be moved
  • The most recently used project is now selected by default in the search form (note, though, that this behaviour is expected to change in the future where the task is already part of a project)

Agendas (v1.9.0)

  • An additional option, ‘edit note’, has been added to the processing options.
  • A new action, ‘Set Last Updated’, which sets the ‘last updated’ event (i.e. the event that will be selected by default the next time the ‘Add to Agenda’ action is invoked), has been added.
  • A new action ‘Add To Agenda Via Project’ has been added, which allows you to select a project before selecting an event, to narrow down the list.
  • Event tags are now shown in the ‘Add to Agenda’ dialogue if more than one is set in preferences.
  • Certain tags, set in the preferences, can now be shown in the processing dialogue.
  • Inactive agenda items are now labelled with [INACTIVE] and moved to the bottom of the list.
  • A helper Keyboard Maestro action, which resents the processing dialogue, has been added to the repository (but hopefully various bug fixes have made this less necessary).
  • When navigating to a task, the inbox is now opened when the task is included in the inbox rather than silently failing (this is a workaround for an OmniFocus bug that seems to occur when the Inbox is shown in the Projects listing)

Templates (v1.17.0)

  • The createFromTemplate function now allows a destination of type Task.ChildInsertionLocation.

Append or Prepend (v1.2.0)

Text can now be prepended/appended to project names, not just tasks.

Work On… (v1.0.2)

Two small bug fixes were implemented in April, to fix cases where the name was shown as ‘1’ in the dialogue, and where non-word characters (e.g. parentheses) at the end of the name were dropped.

Scheduling (v2.0.1)

A small bug fix, where the ‘today’ tag was not removed when a task was rescheduled.

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